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California Charter Schools: Legislative Proposals

Branché Jones

April 9, 2018


California Charter School LegislationCalifornia Charter Schools: Legislative Proposals

April 11th

On April 11th a number of different proposals for California charter schools will be heard in the legislature that could impact charter schools. This is just the first policy committee hearing for these bills and they will next have to pass through a fiscal committee before going to the floor of the Assembly or Senate. Here are the bills and a brief description of each one. The ABs are being heard in the Assembly Education Committee and the SB will be heard in the Senate Education Committee.
AB 1871 by Assemblyman Bonta would require a charter school to provide each needy pupil with one nutritionally adequate free or reduced-price meal during each school day.
AB 2289 by Assemblywoman Weber would create an additional type of excused absence for parenting teens at charter schools and traditional schools.
AB 3167 by Assemblyman O’Donnell would establish the Charter Authorizers Regional Support Network Program, to be administered by the Alameda County Office of Education, as an initiative to expand uniform charter authorizing and oversight practices, as provided. The bill would authorize the Alameda County Office of Education to expend up to $30,000,000, upon appropriation from the General Fund by the Legislature, for purposes of the program. The bill would require the Alameda County Office of Education to, among other things, award grant funds to 11 regional lead county offices of education to be used to improve the quality of school district and county of office of education charter school authorizing activity.
SB 837 by Senator Dodd creates a transitional kindergarten program in California. It phases in all four-year-olds but says by 2022-2023 they should all be attending a transitional kindergarten program at a traditional or charter school.
To view any of these measures go to and hit the bill link at the top left of the page, then place in the bill number.

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