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The Future is Now at the 2022 National Charter Schools Conference

Grow Schools

June 14, 2022


We’re thrilled to be joining over 2,000 charter school leaders in Washington, DC for the 2022 National Charter Schools Conference. We’ll be leading two sessions, hosting the Digital Rebrand Bar, and bringing along our ever-so-popular #welovecharterschoolsocks. It will be exciting being back together after almost three years!

“The Future of…” Conference Sessions

Our team’s sessions will be under this year’s theme, exploring the “The Future of…” school buildings and future students (described in detail below). We look forward to seeing you there!

The Path to Finding and Funding Your Forever School
Monday, June 20, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Charter schools are the home of education innovators, and as such, your school has a very special place in your community. In this session we will reflect on the school building itself: does it reflect your mission? Is it a safe and sustaining space for your students, staff, and teachers? Can you grow your school and your legacy in your building at the same time? Join us to explore your funding options for your forever school—whether you’re in it today or planning for the decades to come. You’ll get an understanding of your funding options, how to plan for your school’s future and growth, and how to find and fund the facility that reflects your school’s mission.

Download the Session Presentation or our Facilities guide

Enrollment Marketing 101 = Thriving, Forever Schools
Wednesday, June 2210:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.

Connecting with prospective families is an essential part of increasing or maintaining enrollment—but engaging with current families to keep existing students is equally as vital. How can you do both effectively? Join this information-packed session to learn about the “ground game” and “digital game” needed to support and elevate your school’s enrollment. Walk away with actionable tips on the best ways to tell your story, reach your future students, and increase enrollment.

Download the Session Presentation or our Digital Marketing guide

The Digital Rebrand Bar

This year, we’ve partnered with the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools to bring you an immersive, genius-bar-style experience focused on enrollment marketing, digital marketing, and school branding strategy. Introducing: The Digital Rebrand Bar, where we’ll be hosting sessions throughout the day. Come with all your marketing questions! Look for The Digital Rebrand Bar at Expert Alley in the Exhibitor Hall.

#welovecharterschools Socks

And, of course, it wouldn’t be the National Charter Schools Conference without our #welovecharterschoolsocks. You’ll find our 2022 socks and our team at Booth #500.

Check out the video below for a little sneak peek.


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